
4 Posts

How to Revalidate Server Components in Next.js 13th?

How to Revalidate Server Components in Next.js 13th?

In Next.js, if you want to revalidate data using the revalidateTag function in server components, here is how you can do it.

February 20th, 2024
New Routing in Next.js - App Router

New Routing in Next.js - App Router

An introduction to the App Router Next.js that optimizes the initial page load time and minimizes the size of JS bundles by using React Server Components.

November 27th, 2023
Build a Reusable Searchable List in React with Typescript Generics

Build a Reusable Searchable List in React with Typescript Generics

Learn how to divide the search markup into independent, reusable components and create a generic Searchable List in React with the Load More button.

November 10th, 2023
How to Add Query Parameters to the URL in Next.js?

How to Add Query Parameters to the URL in Next.js?

How to add query parameters to the URL in Next.js. Read this explanation to know the way to add query parameters.

April 27th, 2023
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